Film Akshansh Film Akshansh

What’s So Great About YOJIMBO?

There are probably tons of essays one can find about Yojimbo, Kurosawa’s masterpiece which has been remade and adapted so many times in so many ways and in so many languages. Among all the other things, there is one thing that caught my eye more than anything else when I watched Yojimbo. Spatial Awareness.

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Film Akshansh Film Akshansh

Modern Reality by SATOSHI KON

The genius of Satoshi Kon really hit me when I saw the first two scenes of Millennium Actress. It is not only a lesson in editing but also in storytelling. I can easily say that it is easily of those moments of cinema for me, which made me skip a heartbeat. “The You in You isn’t the You You think is You,” - Satoshi Kon

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Film Akshansh Film Akshansh

The Artist, The Grand Budapest Hotel, No

As you read the title of these three films together, can you find what is common to all three of these movies? They are all structured very differently narrative wise. The styles of directors of all these three films differ greatly, so what is it that binds these three films together, and what can we collectively learn by studying these three films?

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Music Akshansh Music Akshansh

Storytelling in SPRING DAY by BTS

In one of his most hopeful works, Percy Bysshe Shelley, gave winters and spring a new meaning – he wrote, “If winter comes, can SPRING be far behind?” Little did he know that 198 years later after writing this piece of poetry, a Korean band by the name of BTS will forever re-ignite the emotions of winter and thus SPRING in their song SPRING DAY.

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Film, Personal Akshansh Film, Personal Akshansh

Lessons from Watching 2 Movies a Day

When I started watching movies, it was not because I wanted to make them. Such is the case everything that you want to do in life, you don’t start doing it because you want to earn a living through it, you do it because doing it movies something inside you. Personally, watching 1 movie a day would give me too less learning, and watching 3 movies a day would hinder my learning.

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